Forty-two devotionals, forty Contributors

Our warm thanks to the following:

Advent, Christmastide and Epiphany Devotionals Contributors

The Contributors, listed above, searched their hearts and minds and prayed a lot.  They were willing to leave their comfort zones to write and submit their devotionals for this year's Advent & Christmastide Devotional Booklet.  They were God's hands as they strived to better know the love of Jesus Christ and pass it on! 

The Readers who are blessed to read, meditate, share, and commit their love and prayers for themselves and others during this year’s Advent & Christmastide Seasons.

The Asbury Office Staff, namely Carol Minish, Sue Staehler and Audrie Weissman for their patient and stoic efforts and for the many hours spent juggling tough work schedules and free-time without which this endeavor would never have gone to print.

Bill Erdman for creating the Asbury Advent Devotionals website.

  My fellow members of the Editorial Committee, Jim Esch, Ann Gile, Dr Dennis Stevenson and Teresa Cunningham for the hours they committed to editing devotionals which reduced my workload enormously.

Pastors Chris, Will and Barbara for trusting God and for their guidance and support in continuing this powerful Asbury ministry.

And finally, we thank God for His goodness and His blessings.

David Vatcher, Editor

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Revised: November 09, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All Devotionals are provided by
Asbury by way of Lenten Booklets.

This is a private website that is a collection of 2024 Advent devotionals published by Asbury United Methodist Church

In a 2018 church meeting, the design and hosting of the 2018 Advent devotions website was accepted on a no cost basis to the church.  Since then, yearly Advent and Lent devotionals plus "Connection" and related websites have been made available in the same spirit.

  The church is free to reference this website at their discretion.  The WebMaster is sensitive to the wishes of the church and will continue to host them in a proper and timely manner.