Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Light Of The World

Scripture: John 8:12 (NIV) – “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world, Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

Message: For the last six decades I have lived in the United States.  I enjoy the Christmas season.  Beautiful decorations on trees, and expensive gifts to surprise the expecting children. Driving around seeing wonderful housing displays of religious figurines, nativities, Santa and his Elves on a colorful sleigh, and lights that would brighten many towns around the world. But where is Jesus in all of this?  He is the Light of the World, whom we should be anticipating. 

As a teenager in Syria, I was known as a “Tom Boy” and considered myself equal to any boy.  I taught myself to ride a bike, and later elevated to motorcycles, riding around town scaring car drivers and pedestrians.  I played sports and climbed trees.

When Christmas approached, I needed a tree to decorate. I asked my brother for help, he brought Dad’s saw, climbed a pine tree and cut a big branch. I put the branch in a bucket of water, covering both with a colored sheet. I added cotton balls representing snow, tinsel representing ice, candy canes representing shepherd’s canes, and made a colored paper chain to hang on the tree.  My best and final decorations were tangerines hanging from their stems.  I secretly slept under the tree and enjoyed the fragrance and the taste of the tangerines!

Mom came in with new clothes for the Christmas service. She was surprised to see our tree.  The family was impressed.  After supper when the family went to church.  Mom was shrewd; she saidPapa Noel must have eaten some of the tangerines.”.  I was embarrassed and rushed out of the house.

But, by caring about material things, we can so easily forget that Jesus is The Light of the World.  He brought joy to the world, taught us morality, empathy, humility and to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Who can say and teach these principles other than God?  Jesus is God who loves us so deeply.

Prayer: Impatiently we await Your return, to live among us in peace, and for You to shine Your Eternal Light upon us so we can see that everyone is Your child, all born in the image of God, Your Image.  Amen.

Olga Shearer

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Revised: February 03, 2025

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