Get the most from selected Scriptures

How to use this link:

Copy Scripture chapter and verse only to clipboard using Ctlr C
Don't include translation, i.e., NIV.  You will confuse the program

Click Scripture Link

Paste Scripture from clipboard using Crl V where it says, "Enter passage...."
Unfortunately Bible Gateway is a very popular source of Bible information and may have a "Wait" time

Enter Translation desired using dropdown menu for list of translations available
Default is NIV or last translation your computer used

Click on magnifier icon to proceed

Caution: Every time you link to Bible Gateway you open a new window.  Train yourself to close the Bible Gateway window when finished, screen should revert to Asbury Devotionals screen.  If you don't, you will have beaucoup screens open.

Other features icons when available):

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Bible Gateway is an evangelical Christian website that offers access to the Bible in many versions and translations.
Bible Gateway is not affiliated with any particular church or denomination, but its content and development are guided by Christian principles.

I suggest you spend some time exploring as it offers many interesting methods of learning more about scriptures.

To repeat, there are 2 ways to access the Bible Gateway from this website:

1) When available, use

2) Just copy scripture verse link and paste it.  Example - Numbers 6:24-26

Home Advent Devotions Bible Gateway Service Schedules Contributors Seasons Epiphany Advent Prayer Advent Wreath Booklet Bibliography

Revised: November 04, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All Devotionals are provided by
Asbury by way of Lenten Booklets.

This is a private website that is a collection of 2024 Advent devotionals published by Asbury United Methodist Church

In a 2018 church meeting, the design and hosting of the 2018 Advent devotions website was accepted on a no cost basis to the church.  Since then, yearly Advent and Lent devotionals plus "Connection" and related websites have been made available in the same spirit.

  The church is free to reference this website at their discretion.  The WebMaster is sensitive to the wishes of the church and will continue to host them in a proper and timely manner.