Saturday, December 14, 2024

Simple Christmas

Scripture: Luke 2:7 (NLT) – “She gave birth to her firstborn son.  She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available to them.”

Message: In 2019 we moved to the East Coast of Florida to be closer to and more active with our grandchildren.  As with any move there is a lot to consider in assimilating into a new community.  Among them, finding a new church. 

We visited a Methodist Church, that has a long and storied history, with our daughter and family where we quickly began to feel at home.  Fall came that year and we participated in the usual events beginning with the pumpkin patch, even in the 85°F (30°C) days that linger in October.

As the Christmas season neared, we began to hear of this “Simple Christmas,” but saw no mention of coming events.  What was the Christmas celebration to be?  When would the Hanging of the Greens take place?  Would there be a music program?  Not here….

We soon learned the focus for the season was to be on Jesus, the birth of our Savior and on family.  Not on the busyness of holiday events.  Each Sunday service in Advent builds on the expectation and excitement of the arrival of the Christ Child that is fully celebrated with church-wide services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Each year our Christmas offering is given away to the UMC Children's Home and individual ministries to support their missions.  This simplified Advent season created a full sense of “Joy”, centered on Jesus, and peaks on Christmas Day. 

After experiencing this simple Christmas for several years, we see how it reflects the story in Luke’s gospel.  Christ came into the world with no fanfare.  Born in a stable with the most humble surroundings to a young virgin girl engaged to a carpenter, laid in a manger and visited by shepherds, the lowest of society in His day.  A most simple beginning and quite unlike the pride, pomp and circumstance of a royal birth.  

However you celebrate Christmas may your heart simply remain focused on the birth of the Christ Child and the Kingdom on earth He brought to us all.   Merry Christmas!

Prayer: Father, this season help us to see through all of the busyness to focus on one thing, “Joy” through the simple gift of Your Son, the Christ Child.  Amen.

John & Sharon Berry
Georgianna Church, Merritt Island, Florida

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Revised: February 03, 2025

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All Devotionals are provided by
Asbury by way of Lenten Booklets.

This is a private website that is a collection of 2024 Advent devotionals published by Asbury United Methodist Church

In a 2018 church meeting, the design and hosting of the 2018 Advent devotions website was accepted on a no cost basis to the church.  Since then, yearly Advent and Lent devotionals plus "Connection" and related websites have been made available in the same spirit.

  The church is free to reference this website at their discretion.  The WebMaster is sensitive to the wishes of the church and will continue to host them in a proper and timely manner.