Advent Prayer 

O God, we come rejoicing as we remember the promise of Your
Son.  As we read these letters from the hearts of Your
servants, may the blessing of Christ come upon us,
lighting our way and guiding us by His truth.  May
Christ our Savior bring light where there is
darkness in our lives and in our world,
as we expectantly wait upon His
coming. We ask this through
Christ our Lord.  Amen.

  Invitation to Advent and Christmas Services

Whether you are a member or a guest, you are warmly
invited to join Asbury United Methodist Church
for its Advent and Christmas Celebrations.
Our Schedule of Advent Services.

We look forward to greeting you!

 Invitation to Advent and Christmas Services


Whether you are a member or a guest, you are warmly welcomed to join Asbury United Methodist Church for its Advent and Christmas Celebrations.


Our Schedule of Services.

 We look forward to greeting you!

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Revised: November 08, 2024

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Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.