Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Power Of A Name

Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 (NLT) – “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.  The government will rest on his shoulders.  And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Message: I remember how important it was to find the right name for my children: Brendan – Irish for Prince / King; Paige – kind, helpful, compassionate; Sarah – princess, noble/spiritual soul.  They were names that couldn’t be shortened for nicknames.  Their identity was in their full name. 

After the chaos of the delivery, there was that peaceful time alone with my baby, where we could fully and completely be introduced.  It was then, trying on the child’s name for the first time, I couldn’t help praising and thanking God for this beautiful baby and for the impact this child would have on my life and to all who would have contact with them.

Can you imagine that moment with Mary, knowing already what the angel Gabriel and the prophets foretold: Wonderful Counselor – extraordinary wisdom; Mighty God – His divinity; Everlasting Father – benevolent protector; and Prince of Peace – ruler who will bring peace to the world.  In that quiet moment where it’s just her and her Son, thanking God for what this child has already done and will continue to do in her life.  It’s the name Jesus (“God saves”) she will use in her daily life.  Jesus the name invoking the identities found in Isaiah 9:6.  Jesus, whose name will be on the lips of God’s people going forward into everlasting time.  It’s the name Jesus we will call upon during trials and tribulations, and praise for all our joys.  Jesus the name raised in worship.   Jesus – what a powerful name!

This Christmas morning, seek out that moment of quietness and hold that image of God’s child in your arms.  Thank God for Jesus’ wisdom and protection He provides every day.  Feel the love and peace that only Jesus can bring.  Bask in the divinity of God’s son.  Use this time to reintroduce yourself to this beautiful child who will empower you to bring honor and glory to God’s kingdom on earth.

Prayer: Creator God, Thank You for Your Son Jesus with all His powerful titles.  His identity and mine are in His full name.  Guide me to intentionally seek Him out in my life, calling out His name, and introducing Him to others.  May everyday be a celebration of His birth.  Amen.

Debbie Babbage, 1 of 2

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Revised: February 03, 2025

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