Christmastide - Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Gift

ScriptureMatthew 25:35-36b (NIV Study Bible) – “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.  I was a stranger and you invited me in.  I needed clothes and you clothed me.  I was sick and you looked after me.”

Message:  You may be familiar with a song entitled “The Gift”1 by Stephanie Davis, which is sometimes referred to as “The First Nightingale Song”.  It has been recorded by several artists, but the version I particularly like was performed and recorded by Aselin Debison in 20022, which you can listen to on the “Official Audio” recording on the YouTube link below.  It is a beautiful and touching rendition.  The official lyrics can be found on Stephanie Davis’s website3,4 below. 

I believe the message is one of salvation and grace.  The story is one of an orphaned girl, Maria, who had few material means but a full heart.  She managed to save the life of a small, injured bird which, much like her, seemed helpless, when she found it on a roadside.  The young child salvaged the wounded bird, spent her last peso on a small cage made of rushes and twine, and nourished it to health.  When she went to church, presumably on Christmas Eve, other townspeople brought gifts of perfumes, diamonds and incense.  Maria waited for others to leave before she entered.  Kneeling by the manger she cried, feeling unworthy with nothing to offer but a ragged bird in a small cage.  A voice spoke to her in the darkness encouraging her to let her offering, the bird, go free.  The nightingale rose to the rafters on a healed wing and with a song that was fit for the King. 

In these days that at times can seem dark and laden with pessimism, this song seems bright and brings optimism, hope to my heart and tears to my eyes, every time.

Prayer:  Father, please let us be aware that we all have something to offer.  May we do so as we realize our blessings.  Our greatest Gift from You, God, is Jesus.  Thank You, Lord, for the gift of song and Your ultimate Gift of Your Son.  Amen.

Sue Kabbourim

1. “The Gift” by Stephanie Davis.  1990.  © Copyright.  Published by © BMG Rights Management, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.  Permission not required for use of the Title.

2. “The Gift” sung by Aselin Debison in 2002 can be found on the “Official Audio” recording at

3. “The Gift” official lyrics can be found at Stephanie Davis’s website:*

4. Editorial comment: due to copyright restrictions we are not able to quote from the lyrics in this devotional. 

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