Thursday, December 19, 2024

Don’t Cry

Scriptures: Mark 12:30 (NIV Study Bible) – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

John 3:16 (NIV Study Bible) – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Message: Our great grandson was never away from his mother for even a day for his first 2 and a half years.  But when she went to the hospital to have his little brother he had to stay with his grandma.  We were all concerned as to how he might act.  But he played and had a great time without a mention of his Mom and Dad.  After two days his brother was born, and his Mom and Dad called to let us know they were on their way home.  Since it was a tough birth, they decided to have Tristan spend one more night with grandma.

When bedtime came our daughter put Tristan in bed.  After some time, she went to check on him and when she cracked the door, she could see him wiping his eyes and saying something.  After listening carefully, she realized he was wiping his eyes and saying, “Don’t cry”.  Our daughter went to him, picked him up and ask, are you okay Tristan?  He wiped his eyes and said, “Don’t cry, miss Mommy”.

At only two and half he yearned for the comfort only his mother could provide.  He knew that in his time of distress, if only he could be in his Mommy’s arms, then all would be well.  You see Tristan loves his Mommy with all his heart, and he knows she loves him the same.

Just like “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,” (John 3:16a).  When we feel distressed and all alone, we need to seek the comfort of Jesus.  We need to wipe our eyes and say, “Don’t cry, miss Jesus”.  In His arms we will find the safety and comfort we long for in our times of distress.  We need to love Jesus with all our heart just as He loves us with all of His heart.

Prayer: Our precious Father, thank You for Your never-ending love.  Help us remember that You are our comfort and safety in our times of distress.  Amen.

Jack Frye

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Revised: February 03, 2025

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