Saturday, March 16, 2024

In Times Like These

Scripture: Isaiah 26:3 (TLB) – “He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord.”

Message: Just a few years ago my life was in a good mode.  I had a comfortable home, an ancient, but reliable car, and good neighbors.  I was a part of Asbury's ministries and activities.  I was grateful.  I also assumed it would not change.  Change it did.  I became ill and was mis‑diagnosed with a serious illness and put on medication that made it worse.

One weekend my son and daughter-in-law came from Saint Petersburg to see me.  While here they realized I was not well.  On their return home my son immediately made plans to move me to Saint Petersburg where he could oversee my care.  I did not want to leave my life in Altamonte Springs.  I did not want to leave Asbury United Methodist Church, nor my friends and activities.  I knew it was the right thing to do, as I am not able to continue leading the life that I led.  In all my travails, this hymn “In Times Like These” written by Fannie Crosby has been a great comfort to me, and I pray others may also find it comforting in times of uncertainty.

Jesus, I love Thee, Thou art to me
Dearer than ever mortal can be;
Jesus, I love Thee, Savior divine,
Earth has no friendship constant as Thine.
Tenderly folded, safe on Thy breast,
There be my refuge, there let me rest.

Full of compassion, loving and mild,
Thou art my father, I am Thy child;
Thou wilt forgive me, when I am wrong;
Thou art my comfort, Thou art my song.
Blessèd Redeemer, precious to me,
Draw me still closer, closer to Thee.

Jesus, I love Thee, reign in my heart,
Oh, may Thy Spirit never depart.
Jesus, I love Thee, yes, Thou art mine –
Living or dying, still I am Thine.
Jesus, I love Thee, Thou art to me
Dearer than ever mortal can be.

Fanny Crosby, 1872, Public Domain.  The Cyber Hymnal #8149

Prayer: Father, God, I am grateful for Your patience with me.  In all times You are my comfort.  Amen.

Verta Sorensen

There is no devotional for tomorrow, Sunday, March 17.

Sundays are not included in the Lenten Devotionals as, traditionally, Sundays as Holy Days, were not considered to be part of Lent.

Home Up Ash Wed, Feb 14 Thursday, Feb 15 Friday, Feb 16 Saturday, Feb 17 Sunday, Feb 18 Monday, Feb 19 Tuesday, Feb 20 Wednesday, Feb 21 Thursday, Feb 22 Friday, Feb 23 Saturday, Feb 24 Sunday, Feb 25 Monday, Feb 26 Tuesday, Feb 27 Wednesday, Feb 28 Thursday, Feb 29 Friday, Mar 1 Saturday, Mar 2 Sunday, Mar 3 Monday, Mar 4 Tuesday, Mar 5 Wednesday, Mar 6 Thursday, Mar 7 Friday, Mar 8 Saturday, Mar 9 Sunday, Mar 10 Monday, Mar 11 Tuesday, Mar 12 Wednesday, Mar 13 Thursday, Mar 14 Friday, Mar 15 Saturday, Mar 16 Sunday, Mar 17 Monday, Mar 18 Tuesday, Mar 19 Wednesday, Mar 20 Thursday, Mar 21 Friday, Mar 22 Saturday, Mar 23 Sunday, Mar 24 Monday, Mar 25 Tuesday, Mar 26 Wednesday, Mar 27 Thursday, Mar 28 Friday, Mar 29 Saturday, Mar 30 Sunday, Mar 31
Revised:  January 31, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All content is provided by

Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.