Saturday, February 17, 2024

Our Father

Scripture: Mathew 6:9 (NIV)This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name’”.

Message: You will recognize this as the first line of The Lord’s Prayer.  I encourage you to read the entire prayer (Matthew 6:9-14).  However, I want to focus on how Jesus tells us to address the Lord Our God, creator of all things!  He is teaching us how we should talk to our Lord God, so why does He say “Our Father” instead of “My Father”.  It has always seemed a little strange to me when I’m alone and praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Maybe it’s because He wants us to remember that the God we are praying to is also the God of who, or what we are praying about.  The only time that I remember Jesus praying for Himself was in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He prayed that “if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me” (Matthew 6:39b), but then He remembered that the Father to whom He was praying was also the creator of those who were about to kill Him in one of the cruelest ways known to man.  Jesus then adds to His prayer: “Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 6:39c).

When I pray, I must remember that my God is also the God of all mankind.  It doesn’t matter if people acknowledge God or not, He is God of all creation, and all humanity are His children.  If the world realized that we are all praying to the same God, would that change the way we pray, especially for others?

Family Activity: Make a mosaic Prayer Cross.

Cut out a large cardboard or posterboard cross.  Then cut out many squares of different colored paper.  Place the squares in a box next to the cross with a glue stick.  During Lent, whenever a family member prays, they glue a square to the cross.  Set aside family time each day to talk about the day and pray, adding squares to your mosaic Prayer Cross. The goal is to cover the entire cross by Easter.

Prayer: Father God, You are not just my God, but the God of all creation.  When I pray “Our Father” instead of “My Father”, I remember that You love all of humanity unconditionally.  Thank You for making me a part of Your creation.  Amen.

Teresa Cunningham

There is no devotional for tomorrow, Sunday, February 18.

Sundays are not included in the Lenten Devotionals as, traditionally, Sundays as Holy Days, were not considered to be part of Lent.

Home Up Ash Wed, Feb 14 Thursday, Feb 15 Friday, Feb 16 Saturday, Feb 17 Sunday, Feb 18 Monday, Feb 19 Tuesday, Feb 20 Wednesday, Feb 21 Thursday, Feb 22 Friday, Feb 23 Saturday, Feb 24 Sunday, Feb 25 Monday, Feb 26 Tuesday, Feb 27 Wednesday, Feb 28 Thursday, Feb 29 Friday, Mar 1 Saturday, Mar 2 Sunday, Mar 3 Monday, Mar 4 Tuesday, Mar 5 Wednesday, Mar 6 Thursday, Mar 7 Friday, Mar 8 Saturday, Mar 9 Sunday, Mar 10 Monday, Mar 11 Tuesday, Mar 12 Wednesday, Mar 13 Thursday, Mar 14 Friday, Mar 15 Saturday, Mar 16 Sunday, Mar 17 Monday, Mar 18 Tuesday, Mar 19 Wednesday, Mar 20 Thursday, Mar 21 Friday, Mar 22 Saturday, Mar 23 Sunday, Mar 24 Monday, Mar 25 Tuesday, Mar 26 Wednesday, Mar 27 Thursday, Mar 28 Friday, Mar 29 Saturday, Mar 30 Sunday, Mar 31
Revised:  February 02, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All content is provided by

Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.