Monday, March 4, 2024

Creative Redemption

Scripture: Romans 8:28 (NLT) – “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Message: I have a cherished childhood memory from when I was six, walking through a fabric store with my mom at Eastertime.  They were having a coloring contest for kids, featuring pictures of bunnies in Easter baskets.  I was really excited about it and brought the picture home to show off my artistic skills.

I got a bit carried away with my excitement and colored the picture at lighting speed, accidentally tearing the part with the rabbit’s tail.  I was devastated, thinking I had no chance of winning the contest.  I tried using tape, but the tear was still there.  Finally, I went to my Mom, asking for help.

In a loving and clever response, my Mom said, “Don't worry, Christopher, we’ll fix this.”  She reappeared with a cotton ball, creatively patching up the tear on the rabbit’s tail.  “There you go!” she announced.  “Now you’ve got a creative tail.  Finish the picture.”  Encouraged by her solution, I completed the artwork, and we returned to the store to submit my entry.

To my surprise, a few days later, I got a call saying I was one of the two winners.  We hurried to the store, and I proudly claimed a stuffed bunny as my prize.

Reflecting on this story, I’m reminded that God can turn our mistakes into something good.  In a similar way to how my Mom creatively fixed the torn tail, God can transform setbacks and failures into moments of triumph.  So, in times of trouble, let’s remember that with God, every problem can be redeemed and transformed into a thing of beauty.

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for the reminder that in moments of our own shortcomings and mistakes, Your redemptive love is ever present.  Just as a torn bunny picture was transformed into a victory, may we trust in Your creative power to turn our flaws into triumphs.  Grant us the wisdom to see setbacks as opportunities for Your grace to shine through, and may our lives be a testament to the profound truth of Romans 8:28.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.

Pastor Chris Jones

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Revised:  January 31, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
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Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.