Friday, February 16, 2024

Resurrection Hope

Scripture: John 11:25 (NIV) – “I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”

Message: In this sacred season of Lent, as I embark on a journey of introspection and contemplation, my thoughts often turn to my beloved mother, who passed away last May 4, less than four weeks after Easter.  She was a beautiful, deeply spiritual woman, who had a strong relationship with each member of the Holy Trinity.   I think about the profound connection between her passing and the resurrection illuminated in the teachings of Jesus.  The words in John 11:25 resonate deeply, shaping my reflection on the transformative power of faith in the face of mortality.

As I navigate the Lenten path, my heart is filled not only with fond remembrance of her, but coupled also with a tinge of grief.  I am reminded that this season is not just a period of self-denial, but also a time to confront the mysteries of life and death.  The departure of my mother last May became a poignant illustration of the hope embedded in the narrative of Jesus’ resurrection.

In these moments of devotion, I think about the significance of my mother’s life, recognizing it as a thread woven into the tapestry of divine purpose.  Her passing serves as a reminder that, like Jesus, she too is a part of a story of resurrection – a story that transcends the temporal boundaries of earthly existence.

I also reflect on the resurrection hope that permeates our faith.  Just as Jesus emerged triumphant over death, we are called to embrace the transformative power of belief, recognizing that life, in all its complexity, is an integral part of a grander narrative orchestrated by our loving and merciful God.

As I still grapple with the void left by her absence, I pray for strength to hold steadfast to my faith, anchoring my soul in the certainty of resurrection hope.  This Lenten season should not only be a period of solemn reflection but also a time of spiritual renewal, where the seeds of hope germinate in the fertile soil of grief.

Prayer:  Loving God, help us to deepen our understanding of the profound connection between grief and resurrection, allowing us to find solace in the enduring promise of new life, both here on earth and in heaven.  Amen.

Chris Kovic

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Revised:  January 30, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All content is provided by

Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.