Saturday, March 2, 2024

We Have A Dream

Scripture: Isaiah 2:4 (NIV) – “And he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and neither shall they learn war anymore.”

Message: We are a world at war, whether it is a physical, violent war or a war of chaos, words, and ideas.  In Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, and other nations the enemy is killing and destroying for the sake of some people’s greed over other people’s desire for peace.  

Our own country is in a war of words and opinions.  We have learned to hate what and who is different from us.  Yet, as children of God, we hold to a hope for peace on earth.

We dream of a world that shines bright with God’s love.  We dream of a softer place where greed and hatred no longer have space among us.  We want justice and equality to be the hallmarks of America and the world.  We want to erase poverty, dishonesty, hostility, and chaos. We want safe streets, safe schools, honest debate, laughter, and harmony.  We pray that our children and grandchildren will trust that “God is in His heaven, all is right with the world.”

We dream of a world where “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and neither shall they learn war anymore.”

Family Activity: Using a container of your choice (a bowl, a dish, a jar, a baggie – anything can work), ask each family member to write down what they would like to pray about and store these prayer requests.  As a family, pray for each request.  Repeat this family prayer time as often as you like during Lent. 

Prayer: God on high, hear the prayers of Your people, that peace be among us.  Heal our broken world.  Heal our hate and unforgiveness.  Help me to be part of Your solution by spreading love, tolerance, and peace in all that I do and say.  In the Holy Name of Jesus, we pray.  Amen.

Jeanne Farmer

There is no devotional for tomorrow, Sunday, March 3.

Sundays are not included in the Lenten Devotionals as, traditionally, Sundays as Holy Days, were not considered to be part of Lent.

Home Up Ash Wed, Feb 14 Thursday, Feb 15 Friday, Feb 16 Saturday, Feb 17 Sunday, Feb 18 Monday, Feb 19 Tuesday, Feb 20 Wednesday, Feb 21 Thursday, Feb 22 Friday, Feb 23 Saturday, Feb 24 Sunday, Feb 25 Monday, Feb 26 Tuesday, Feb 27 Wednesday, Feb 28 Thursday, Feb 29 Friday, Mar 1 Saturday, Mar 2 Sunday, Mar 3 Monday, Mar 4 Tuesday, Mar 5 Wednesday, Mar 6 Thursday, Mar 7 Friday, Mar 8 Saturday, Mar 9 Sunday, Mar 10 Monday, Mar 11 Tuesday, Mar 12 Wednesday, Mar 13 Thursday, Mar 14 Friday, Mar 15 Saturday, Mar 16 Sunday, Mar 17 Monday, Mar 18 Tuesday, Mar 19 Wednesday, Mar 20 Thursday, Mar 21 Friday, Mar 22 Saturday, Mar 23 Sunday, Mar 24 Monday, Mar 25 Tuesday, Mar 26 Wednesday, Mar 27 Thursday, Mar 28 Friday, Mar 29 Saturday, Mar 30 Sunday, Mar 31
Revised:  January 31, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All content is provided by

Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.