Devotionals by Contributor

Gatherings (7 speakers, 2 Devotionals Contributors)

John Berry, Jr Julie Denmon Christen Kavanaugh Jim Esch
Brian Carr Cameron Duke Chris Kovic  

Lent(38 Contributors, 40 Devotionals)

Debbie Babbage Jack Frye Kitty Kovic Olga Shearer
John Berry Patti Gich Donna McElhose Bob Showalter
Bob Burkhart Ann Gile Jim McElhose Kim Showalter
Rebecca Carpenter Bette Hillman Doug Miller Verta Sorenson
Tommy & Linda Corkhill Danielle Johnson Tom Moore Dennis Stevenson
Teresa Cunningham Pastor Chris Jones Barbara Moss Roger Stover
Bill Erdman Michele Hudson Marti Pieper David Vatcher - 2
Mike Evans Sue Kabbourim Michael Robinson Lisa Wallace
Jeanne & Gary Farmer Pastor Will Kendust Michelle Rosario - 2  
Jeanne Farmer Chris Kovic Charles Row  


This Asbury Lenten Devotionals Booklet is your guide through the observance of Lent.  The Devotionals end on Saturday April 22.  The daily devotional includes a scripture, a message and a prayer that will help you prepare your heart for Holy Week, for Easter and beyond. 

Each Saturday features a family devotional, including a message related activity.

Sundays (except Easter Sunday) are not included in the Lenten Devotionals as, traditionally Sundays in Lent were designated as minor Holy Days, and were not considered to be part of Lent.  The forty days of Lent concludes on Easter Saturday, also known as Holy Saturday.  The period from Easter Sunday to Whitsunday (Pentecost) is known as Eastertide. 

The Devotionals, from members and friends of Asbury, are your guide through each day with a daily scripture verse, message and prayer.  They want to share their moments when they believe God spoke to them.

A compilation of all 10 years of devotionals may be found at Asbury Devotionals.

Home Up Holy Week Schedule Contributors Thanks Gathering History Devotionals History Prayer for Lent The Cross Lenten Suggestions Bibliography
Revised:  March 06, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All content is provided by

Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.