History of Lenten Luncheons - 1971 to 2024 (53 years!)
(Also called "Messages" or "Gatherings", depended on viruses beyond our control)

1971 TO 2020 - General Format

Start date and Coordinators of the Luncheons 1971 to 2020:

Started in 1971 by Dan and Fran McElheny to help celebrate the Lenten Season.  They were the guiding force that established the Lenten Luncheon “Tradition” at Asbury.  They served in this leadership role for 26 years. 

In 1997, due to failing health, they handed the reins to Jack Cooper.

In 2002, because of business pressures, Jack reluctantly asked Bill Erdman to take his place.  His last luncheons were held in 2019.

Following the 2019 sessions, Tom Moore took over the responsibilities of coordinating the Luncheons.  His first session was February 26, 2020 which, unfortunately were interrupted by the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.  See below for "New Normal."

Up to this point, our average attendance was between 90 and 100 people each Wednesday.

Format 1971 to 2020:

1971 to 1997 the basic format was using well-known, local speakers and clergy to bring a timely message each of the 7 Wednesdays of Lent.  A buffet luncheon was provided and an offering was suggested to defray the costs.

1997 to 2002 the Luncheons continued using a similar format but concentrated more on active and past-pastors of Asbury.  This often provided mini-reunions of the congregation with well-loved pastors and assistant pastors who had moved on to serve other churches.

From 2002 on the availability of “former” pastors became a problem as Methodist ministers were being moved less often and our older pastors were no longer available.  Special guests were often used as fill-ins but they were not always focused on the Lenten message.  A new source of speakers was needed.

Reluctantly, much to the concern of some Asbury members, we were lead to a marvelous, available, untapped and untried reservoir of talent - at marvelous, available, untapped and untried reservoir of talent were the men and woman of Asbury!  The “Laity” in other words.  The term “Laity” caused panic among those of us that dislike change but the results proved to be excellent.  It turned out that we were blessed with meaningful, understandable and sincere messages delivered from the hearts of people just like us.

We continued drawing on “simple folk” to share with us what the Easter message means to them.  The format in 2019 was very unusual as it was totally video driven with the messages being developed by Lay People commenting on the clips.

See below for new formats determined by COVID-19 requirements.

 Responsibility for the Luncheons 1971 to 2020:

Foremost in importance was that the Lenten Luncheons were always an autonomous feature at Asbury, independent of the Pastor(3) and staff of the church.   Other than the dates, times and location of the luncheons, every aspect of the sessions were powered by the direction of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of those that give their time and talents to the meetings.  Each individual session leader was guided by his or her love of the Gospel and other than trying to keep within the suggested themes, shared from their experience and beliefs.  We started just before Noon and ended before 1:00 - Because everyone would have left then anyway.

We did utilize the speaking talents of various staff members but they were some-times more readily available than many of our talented, but shy, lay people.

Over the years we developed a simple, nonthreatening format.  In most sessions the format was: “Hello”, “Turn off cell phones”, Grace, eat, music then message or message then music, donate, “Goodbye”.   Pretty sophisticated—developed over many, many years.  We started to begin to commence with the Imposition of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday.  We met the next six Wednesdays, ending on the Wednesday before Easter with a modified Seder Meal provided by UMW. 

Cost of Luncheons 1971 to 2020:

The Luncheons were self-supporting from the very beginning.  Proceeds go to the office, never to be seen again.  There is a line item in the budget but it has been used only rarely.  Two instances come to mind:  When we used visiting pastors and provided honorariums for travel expenses and when we paid an audio technician to display the 20 videos used during the 2019 sessions

All layout designs for session bulletins, all webmaster costs for Asbury’s Lenten Luncheon web site, all cost for the web site and all scheduled notifications to the congregation were donated over the years.

Basically, the first 49 years of Lenten Luncheons were a no-cost operation, dedicated to God’s Glory.

Music 1971 to 2020:

Music is extremely important in bringing Jesus’ message to all.  No set format was “normal”, we just tried to fit the music to the message.  Usually the Speaker was the person that determine who and what was to be used to supplement their message.  The talented artists we have heard over the years have been superb - We’ve had soloists, duos, trios, quartets, quintets, sextets, septets, octets, nonets and dectets.  We have had marvelous instrumentalists also - Pianists, flautists (Preferred to flutist), guitarists, harmonicists, trumpetists and even a steel drummerist.

Food 1971 to 2020:

Food preparation was the glue (No pun intended) that bound (No pun intended) the sessions together.  We were blessed abundantly by the women and a few men that have worked wonders in our kitchen to prepare, serve and clean up for each Lenten Luncheon.  Unfortunately this key ingredient (no pun intended) was no longer convenient or safe with the threat of COVID starting in 2020.

No amount of applause or accolades will ever express the gratitude we have for these magnificent people who prepared countless meals.  The number of ladies that have helped over the year is in the neighborhood of 700 - remember most of them served multiple times each year.  At the end of 2019 we will have served 336 luncheons - at an average of 100 people per luncheon - that is over 3,500 servings!  A lot of dirty dishes to clean!

For the years 2010 t0 2020 the UMW faithfully provided a modified Seder meal on the last Wednesday of each session.  Those that disdain cutlery say this was the best meal of each session.

Food Preparation was vital but we must not forget that those place mats, silverware, napkins, condiments and flowers did not spontaneously appear just prior to 11:45 am every Wednesday of Lent.  It took a special female talent to put all that stuff where it belongs.  It was also a daunting task to find all of the stuff that manages to be put away in different places each week.  The list of faithful women that have undertaken this menial job is quite long.

Lead Pastors over the years:

Hugh Lake
Dennis DeLacure
Craig Ford
Al Davis
Hubert Floyd
Paul Dickinson
Scott Harris
Cameron Lashbrook
Mike Luzinski
Chris Jones

2020 to 2024 - General Format


Tom Moore has done a marvelous job during very trying times.  He has been forced to bob and weave around many, many rules, mandates and trials since he took responsibly for the sessions.


The years 2020 and 2021 were makeshift, catch-as-catch-can sessions utilizing lo-tech methods.  They worked, but were not high quality stuff.  For years 2022 and 2023 each session will be recorded between 12:00 and 1:00 in the Fellowship Hall and live streamed to interested viewers.  A copy will then be made available on YouTube / FaceBook for those that wish to view the Gatherings later.

Familiar name. "Lenten Luncheons" replaced in 2021 with "Lenten Messages" and in 2022 with "Lenten Gatherings." 


Music is still extremely important in bringing Jesus’ message to all.  Tom has been faithful in keeping this aspect alive and well.  He will continue to integrate talented musicians into each session, regardless of the obstacles encountered.


Food, unfortunately took the biggest hit during this period.  For years 2022 and 2023 a modified Bring-Your-Own-Lunch scenario will be offered.  Since the focus for the meetings will be on providing a virtual platform for viewing, a limited number of tables, will be available during the recording of each session.  Attendees are invited to bring lunch or a snack.  Refreshments will be provided.  The only exception will be during the final session where we will serve a "Seder" meal - typical meal served in the time of Jesus.


The 2024 session will be similar to 2021 - 2023 as the COVID-19 problem is still with us.  Because of this unknown we will continue calling the sessions "Lenten Gatherings."  They will all be "live" for those interested and virtual for those still concerned about contagion.

Pastors for this period:

Mike Luzinski - 2020
Chris Jones - 2021 to 2024
Wil Kendust - 2021 to 2024

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Revised:  February 06, 2024

Website is not an official outreach of Asbury United Methodist Church.
All content is provided by

Any errors, omissions or non-scriptural thoughts
are forgiven by the Grace of God as they were unintentional and done in love.

The name, "Lenten Gatherings" will be used this season in lieu of "Lenten Luncheons"
We will continue the messages first brought to us by Dan and Fran McElheny in 1971, 53 years ago.